Once upon a time in Belgium... 🇧🇪

For those wondering if beer was involved during the brainstorming of this project, the answer is yes. 🍺
Now that we've got that important question out of the way, let's delve into how Tout Bien came about.
In 2021, while eating fries and drinking beer on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, we (Rob, Gilles and Emiel) made the bold decision to start a beer company. With nothing more than a profound love for beer and Belgium, we naively set out to create our own pils.

And thus, Tout Bien was born. It honestly felt like presenting our baby to the world for the first time. 👨🍼
Just like any parent, we thought it was beautiful, but as we all know, not all babies are cute. Fortunately, you guys shared our sentiment, and we sold out our first batch in a matter of hours.
This initial validation propelled us into the arms of our friends at Delhaize. A few months later, Tout Bien became nationally available in numerous supermarkets and drinks centers.

By the end of 2022, we had sold over 1 million cans in Belgium. 🤯
None of this would have been possible without the incredible support from all of you. Your hundreds of, not always successful, shotgun videos never fail to make us laugh.
The energy you bring to our events, the online support, and engagement—it all made us contemplate the future of this crazy project.

In 2023, we received a letter from a young king who goes by the name of Wim, asking if he could get a seat at the Tout Bien table and help us take over the beer landscape.
Only one meeting and a couple of beers was enough to realize that Wim was exactly what we needed to evolve and expand the company to the next level.

In 2024, we're embarking on Tout Bien 2.0.
Just like a Pokemon, we're ready to evolve from a cute little Charmander to a stronger (but still cute) Charmeleon. We're doubling down on everything we've done so far and venturing into unexplored territories of the beer world.
More than ever, we feel like we're slowly earning a seat at the table with the big players. Yes, it might be at the children's table, and yes, we might still be served 'ballekes in tomatensaus', but we're here, and we're making some noise!

We have the dream of ultimately evolving into a Charizard and becoming an iconic Belgian beer brand that's here to stay for generations to come.
Our new branding represents a more professional approach to our design, maintaining the fun elements while elevating the boldness.
The new recipe is a result of months of gathering feedback from professional beer drinkers—thanks to all of you for your invaluable input!

And then, we introduced our second child, Tout Bien Rouge! 🍒
This younger sibling may be a bit cuter on the outside but packs more fire on the inside. We're incredibly proud to add this cherry-flavored beer to our lineup and sincerely hope it receives the same level of support as our original pils.
Can't wait for what's next.